Tiger Meet Schleswig

Northern Germany - 6-7 june 2024


And we are back in Germany. Same airfield, same bikes and even the same hotelroom as last year! But this time we are here for the Tiger Meet. 

Day 1 - Spotting at the fence

Schleswig-Jagel - 6 june 2024


After a day of travel on the 5th of june, we went to get the bikes on the morning of the 6th. After that, straight to the airfield. They flew from the other direction in comparison to last year. There we captured the morning mission landings.

The afternoon mission would start from the same side, so we stayed there. The fence was a challenge, but all in all I got some nice shots. 


We decided to go to the other side to capture the landings of the afternoon mission. This is where the planes taxi off  the runway. You are a bit elevated there, which offers some nice shots. 

Day 2: Spottersday on base

Schleswig-Jagel - 7 june 2024


The second day, the forecast was better. And we would be on base for the spottersday.

After the que we got a goody bag, which was probably the best thing of the whole day...

A bus brought us to the spotters area. We saw immediately that the area was way too small for all the spotters, and there were 'people' (yes, im very nice here) with stairs at the fence of more then 5 steps. It stated in the conditions that those were prohibited...
Also the arrogance of people to get in front of you, on your spot and even to step on your gear.
I always say, I do spotting for myself, not for the people (altough there are some good ones). But this was a shame for the hobby.

The fence was against the taxiway (why so close?) and exactly 3 planes taxied over it.

Take offs you had about 2 seconds to react, landings where inpossible to picture.

No, this was not it. And certainly not 50 euro's worth. 


The US Navy Black Hawks coming by in the morning and the choppers in the afternoon made some of it ok, but all in all it was crap... We never saw the formation of the Tigers. 1 Rafale did a practice approach, that was it. Very disapointing...

(We later heard the spottersday on monday was better, they listened to the spotters)

We knew upfront this was not going to be as good as last year, because we had the luck of very good weather then.  But this was the other end.  

Bart's camera broke down as well, and with his new job coming up, I am afraid this was the last time we went on a spotting trip together after 20 years... And I am not happy about it.

Not about this trip and not about my future in spotting. 

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