Fairford, England - 22 & 23 july 2019


I was quite nervous to go to the RIAT this year. My buddy Bart had to cancel this trip due to illness, so I had to go on my own. Getting on 4Aviation bus I met some buddies from the Normandy trip earlier this year, so i was right at home.


Day 1, showday. I think I did the static this year in an absolute record of 1,5 hour including coffee... For the show I met up with the 'Bende van ellende' (the Misarable Gang) and watched the show with them. Highlights were the delamination of the right stabilator (oops) of the US F-16 and the duo Harriers (Matadors) from Spain.

Day 2: departure day. Most aircraft, also the static ones, go home on monday. An excellent opportunity to catch them! We were located at the end of the runway, a lot of aircraft already gained some height, but nonetheless it was a great day. Absolute personal highlight were the two Turkish Phantoms (Terminators).

A nice view on the way home. Sun set over England, Dover.